In the past year, did you complete an apprenticeship, internship, or other on-the-job training, either paid or unpaid?
This means apprenticeships, internships, or other on-the-job trainings, either paid or unpaid, that helped you learn employment skills (which can include skills such as carpentry or auto mechanics, or office skills such as word processing or use of office equipment).
Currently are you receiving social security payments (Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or dependents’ payments)?
These are payments from the U.S. government to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. You may get them if you are a disabled person. You may be getting dependents’ payments because your parent or guardian is disabled or died.
Currently are you using a scholarship, grant, stipend, student loan, voucher, or other type of educational financial aid to cover any educational expenses?
Scholarships, grants, and stipends are funds you get to help you pay for education. “Student loan” means a government-guaranteed, low interest loan for students in post-secondary education.
Currently are you receiving any periodic and/or significant financial resources or support from another source not previously indicated and excluding paid employment?
This means you get financial support sometimes or all the time from a spouse or family member (biological, foster or adoptive), or child support, or funds from a legal settlement. This does not include gifts, such as birthday or graduation checks or small donations of food or personal items, child care subsidies, child support for your child or other financial help that does not help you directly support yourself.
What is the highest educational degree or certification that you have received?
“Vocational certificate” means a document stating you have received education or training for a particular job, e.g., auto mechanics or cosmetology. “Vocational license” means a document that states that the State or local government recognizes you as a qualified professional in a particular trade or business. An Associate’s degree is generally a two-year degree from a community college, and a Bachelor’s degree is a four-year degree from a college or university. “Higher degree” indicates a graduate degree, such as a Masters or Doctorate degree.
Currently are you enrolled in and attending high school, GED classes, post-high school vocational training, or college?
This means both enrolled in and attending high school, GED classes, or postsecondary vocational training or college. You are still considered as attending school when school is out of session (e.g., spring break, summer vacation, etc.).
Currently is there at least one adult in your life, other than your caseworker, to whom you can go for advice or emotional support?
This refers to an adult who you can go to for advice when there is a decision to make or a problem to solve. This can include, but is not limited to, adult relatives, parents or foster parents. This excludes spouses, partners, boyfriends or girlfriends and current caseworkers. This adult must be easy for you to contact, either by telephone or in person.
In the past two years, did you refer yourself, or had someone else referred you for an alcohol or drug abuse assessment or counseling?
This includes either asking for this help yourself or an adult arranging this for you, such as a social worker, school staff, physician, mental health worker, or foster parent. Alcohol or drug abuse assessment helps people figure out if they have a problem with alcohol or drug use.
In the past two years, were you confined in a jail, prison, correctional facility, or juvenile or community detention facility, in connection with allegedly committing a crime?
This means that you were locked in a jail, prison, correctional facility, or juvenile or community detention facility because you were accused of a crime.
In the past two years, did you give birth to or father any children that were born?
This means giving birth to or fathering at least one child that was born. If males do not know, answer “No.”
Were you married to the child’s other parent at the time each child was born?
This means that when every child was born you were married to the other parent of the child.
Currently are you on Medicaid (MA or MinnesotaCare)?
Medicaid (MA and MinnesotaCare) is health insurance programs paid for by the government.
Currently do you have health insurance, other than Medicaid, MA or MinnesotaCare?
“Health Insurance” means having a third party pay for all or part of health care. You might have health insurance offered by an employer or school, or you might buy your own insurance, or you might be covered under parents’ insurance. This can also include free health care through a college, Indian Tribe, or other source.
Does your health insurance include coverage for medical services?
This means that your health insurance covers at least some medical services or procedures.
Does your health insurance include coverage for mental health services?
This means that your health insurance covers at least some mental health or counseling services.
Does your health insurance include coverage for prescription drugs?
This means that your health insurance covers at least some prescription drugs.
Currently are you receiving ongoing welfare payments from the government to support your basic needs, such as MFIP or General Assistance?
This is ongoing welfare payments from the government to support your basic needs. Do not consider payments that are only for one thing, such as unemployment insurance, child care subsidies, education assistance, food stamps or housing assistance in this category.
Currently are you receiving public food assistance?
Public food assistance includes food stamps, which are government coupons or debit cards that you can use to buy eligible food at authorized stores. Public food assistance also includes assistance from the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program.
Currently are you receiving any sort of housing assistance from the government, such as living in public housing or receiving a housing voucher?
Public housing is rental housing provided by the government to keep rent low for single people and families. A housing voucher lets people choose their own housing and the government pays part of the housing costs. This does not include child welfare payments for room and board.
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